Pupil Equity Fund (PEF)

The Pupil Equity Fund (PEF) is a sum of money allocated to schools by the Scottish Government to support all pupils affected by poverty, including families residing in SIMD 1&2, pupils who have FSM entitlement and any pupil impacted by poverty, hidden or otherwise. This is approximately 30% of the school cohort but is a shifting picture due to the rising cost of living.

The Equity Team aims to ‘close the gap’ in terms of attainment, achievement and well-being for our pupils affected by poverty. The Equity Team comprises four staff from across the school filling one Depute post and three Principal Teacher Equity posts.

We strive to work with young people and their families to identify and overcome poverty related barriers to our pupils realising their full potential. Together with the Headteacher, we consult all stakeholders in how our PEF allocation is spent through the PEF governance group, the Cost of the School Day Collaborative Network and the Participatory Budgeting process.

Some of our successful interventions include Catch Up Numeracy and Literacy, Family Learning, Paired Reading, Science Residential, Grab and Go Breakfast Bar, Uniform Cupboard, Targeted Supported Study, rowing and swimming, subsidised school trips and nurture groups. We measure the success of these initiatives through their impact on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Well-Being scores together with increases in attendance and pupil, parent and staff evaluations.

All S1 pupils are provided with a Cost of the School Day newsletter and welcome pack to raise awareness of the supports available both within the school and beyond, together with who to contact with concerns around any costs related to school. Our COSD position statement is available on the school website: http://www.trinity.s-lanark.sch.uk/Cost-of-the-School-Day/

We welcome your views on all aspects of our equity work; please do not hesitate to contact: gw08simpsonadele@glow.sch.uk